Beauty Lifestyle

Giving Back One Step at a Time…

June 19, 2017
Witney Carson Tampax

Having access to basic feminine care needs is something we often take for granted. Not only do many of us have access to sanitary protection, but we are able to use things that help further, like ibuprofen for the pain or boric acid suppositories to help with vaginal odor and other feminine issues linked to menstruation (try this out by visiting PHD Feminine Health). In some regions of the world, many girls have to miss school each month simply because they don’t have access to sanitary protection! Right here in the United States 1 in 3 women are either living at or below the poverty line, which makes it challenging to secure feminine hygiene products on a monthly basis. In honor of Menstrual Hygiene Day Tampax empowered 20 women to donate ONE MILLION TAMPONS to non-profits that get fem care products to women in need all over the country and I teamed up with them to donate 40,000 tampons to the Jenesse Center in LA. I’m hoping this donation helps to shed light on the importance of menstrual hygiene.

Witney Carson Tampax

I am in so much awe of what the team at the Jenesse Center does, their fearless pursuit to prevent domestic violence while transforming the lives of many families both locally, nationally, and globally is inspiring. They offer education and resources that go way beyond shelter. They house women and children from 30 days up to two years through their emergency and transitional shelters. I’m hoping this donation builds awareness and can give a little sense of comfort to the women and girls at the Jenesse Center who are in need. Getting out of a domestic abuse situation will be a process that is highly stressful, but it is worth it. Getting these women to contact los angeles divorce attorneys can be a further step that this center may suggest for those who are ready to move on and away permanently from the violence.

If you’re looking to get involved with their non-profit, take a look at this link, whether through donation, time and providing resources… there are a few ways you can make a difference!

Witney Carson Tampax

If anything, hoping this post inspires you all to spread the word and seek out opportunities to help and empower other women in need – particularly shedding light on the need for the donation of feminine care products! I am so proud to have partnered with Tampax for this project and excited for this donation to bring a little bit of normalcy to the women at the Jenesse Center. What are your favorite ways to give back? Share in the comments… I’d love to read them!



*This post is sponsored by Tampax.

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