Hi, friends! I have partnered up with the amazing team over at The Lady Bag to bring you an amazing giveaway! In case you’ve never heard of the brand, The Lady Bag is a Utah-based consigner that specializes in certified designer pre-owned handbags and accessories. They’ve been in the luxury, vintage jewelry and handbag business for three generations and have a huge selection of rare pieces that are so diverse and are sure to match each of your unique styles!
Designer handbags are an amazing way to brighten up your outfits and show off your individuality. However, not everyone can afford to pay for designer pieces all the time, which is why buying pre-loved pieces, or replicas offers a welcome alternative. A friend of mine actually owns a few high quality replica purses and I am always so impressed by how close to the real thing that they are. If you can find a replica bag that is similar to a designer one, there is no shame in saving your money until you can afford a genuine designer piece after all.
Anyway, since I love The Lady Bag and all that they do so much, I decided to get together with them and give you all a chance to WIN a gorgeous and authentic Louis Vuitton! I am actually obsessed with mine, and never leave the house without it. I get so many compliments on it, and would love to spread the love with all of my fans + followers. The bag we’re giving away is a 100% genuine Louis Vuitton Petit Noe, pictured below.
Want to win this adorable bag? Here’s how to enter:
- Head to my Instagram account, @witneycarson
- Follow me if you don’t already + also follow @theladybag!
- Like my latest photo (the giveaway post)
- Leave a comment, tagging a friend who would love this bag!
Your pictures are the best! Thanks for this opportunity!
I love this bag so much i want to get my mom something for her birthday because she does so much I probably won’t win but I hope I do